
2 friends graduating today, one is Michelle, and another is my colleague, Ping. They both were having the ceremony today. Unfortunately, the weather was very crabby, rains on and off. Too bad for them, but I am pretty sure their mood were not ruined by the rains.

I was invited for both of their celebration events tonight. Ping was having her grad dinner at De Coree and Michelle hold a dessert party at Massey’s hunter centre. Tonight’s dinner was good, all of us have a good conversation, and we were happy for ping’s big day. I actually had a very bad impression to this restaurant, as their Korean stew is expensive and tastes bad. But ping was suggesting me to try other food instead of the stew. Well, I would say probably she hasn’t tried out other nice Korean meal, or she doesn’t really know how good Korean meals taste like is. I still not recommend this restaurant.


I left earlier and prepared to go for Michelle’s dessert party. Naichen was supposed to fetch me at 8, guess he was ‘trapped’ in his function, he picked me up at 8.40pm. Meanwhile, I was whatsapp-ing with Ing Bean while waiting in the cold night. (I waited at outside Pak n Save, the wireless signal is poor and I had to wait outside to connect my mobile to internet). Anyways, I successfully made it to Michelle’s big night. There were many people, not like 60 people as Michelle saying previously, but still. No doubt that I am an anti-social person, and getting worst as I aged. I felt uncomfortable in her "party", while everyone else knowing each other, chit-chatting in their own gang. To be honest, I just wanna ran away. I found it hard to talk to ‘strangers’, and probably I was sensitive, but I did feel that they were not welcoming, especially I am not one of them (erhmm, not Christian).

Oh well, whatever. I just come for Michelle, although she was really busy to talk. Moreover, I am not in the mood to make new friends, especially that I had left University for 2 years, I do not want to involved myself into Uni circle already. I not meant that I am at a higher level, just somehow these days I don’t feel interested on meeting new people, bringing out new topics, asking people what’s people interested on….I really getting old am I?

I guess I just feel uncomfortable with social events, especially I, myself was new to other people. However, is over. I know this is the part of me that I really hate. My nature of anti-social….=(

Lastly, congratulations Ping and Michelle.


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