Time flies, Sara is leaving in 5 days, and Sophie in 1 week. I am closed to both of them in these 3 months, we traveled together a lot, and we always have lunch, tea together. I really enjoyed the time we have, now I really feel awkward for their leaving.
We have a big farewell dinner at Sophie’s flat tonight. Many people come, which was out of surprise. Ping and I were cooking the dumplings we made in Sunday at the beginning while everyone had started eating. Well, actually I think that the food people brought tonight were not very much in terms of types and portion size, but we did have many varieties.
As I am not really used to party, especially with many people that I am not familiar. The food today was generally ok, not very surprising. I think probably the dumplings we made were the highlight!
But I do very like the crepes made by Eve-anne, thin enough and match very well with home-made caramel. Everyone enjoyed their night I guest, especially Eve-anne, she was really high, haha.
Ping nearly lost her key, and I was sort of thinking she might need to call for lock service the next day, and Eve-anne and I might need to go back with Sara. Oh well, smart Eve-anne found the key under the couch, and I back home around 11pm.
What a long night…..