Another long known friend is taken in the past weekend, and here I go again, being a bride maid for the 3rd time.
According to unknown chinese culture, this marked the last time i become a bridemaid, otherwise i would not get married.
However, that's a very superstitious belief and i still have a few besties still not get married yet and i believe this would not be my last time to be a bridemaid.
Anyways, back to the topic, is Cheryl's wedding and i had left almost my entire weekend for her since Friday after work.
Thank god today is public holiday, the past 3 days was really tiring!
I purposely went to work early on Friday, so that i could leave at 3.30pm, however, i dint get a good sleep on Thursday night. Friday was very busy for me too.
Then, i drove all the way to Mont Kiara to the condomidium Cheryl rented over for the gate crashing section and also accommodating her relatives.
The condo is actually quite flash, very modern interior, cozy and comfy to stay. There are total of 5 rooms in the condo which enough to accomodate all Cheryl's relatives from Ipoh.
I actually stayed over my Aunt's house at PJ on Friday night because i couldnt afford the long distance driving between mont kiara to my home at Klang.
Mainly because i have to arrive by 730am at Mont Kiara again the next day, so the shorter the distance is better.
Another reason is also because i think the grab car rate from Klang to Mont Kiara is way too expensive, i could drive maybe 4 times the same distance using my own car.
The bridemaid meeting session on Friday night somehow is not really necessary but maybe helpful as all of us are first met and also can give some help for the decoration in the house.
We did prepare some of the game tools for the next day at the night, then i back the earliest, left at 9 ish and arrive my aunt's hse at 930.
i actually chatted with my aunt until 12am and i think i sleep around 1am, but not really smooth sleep that i got, i woke up around 6am.
After some minimal make up, i drove to mont kiara again for the gate crashing and wedding ceremony.
Cheryl also woke up early for the hair styling and make up while the remain of us had breakfast and dress up as bridemaid.
I think i was very lucky, i was so fed up with the bridemaid dress I received early last month because Cheryl had ordered the wrong design and size for me.
However, i was not the only one who received the wrong size/design, Carly, another bridemaid also had the same fate as I do.
But I actually have 2 bridemaid dresses with me because Cheryl had extra, initially she thought the extra dress is M-sized because she ordered L-sized for me.
Then, i realized the extra dresses also is L-sized. That's why i was really frustrated last month and i didnt even check what design was the dress.
I was kind to offer Carly the dress i took because Carly was given a M-sized dress but in fact she need a L.
So she took mine and i realized Cheryl might be right, i could not fit into the M-sized dress too damn!
Really sorry for Jing En (cheryl's sis) that she had to go to the car park to dig out the extra dress for me, and also help to iron it ==
Why i said i was lucky, because other than being L-sized, the extra dress is actually the design i requested!!
I am also very sorry to Carly because i think this dress should be belong to her, but Cheryl messed up lol.
Thank god she seems not very care about it. Oh well, we just wear for the morning ceremony and appeared in the photos and videos and most importantly, we are not that important as the bride~
Back to the wedding, Cheryl is real hot today!
The gate crashing session was smooth, we managed to finish all the games on time because we was so worried that we run out of time to "torture" the groom and his fellows lol.
We were very linear, and we kinda need to beg the groom for the extra cash lol
Most interesting is the groom who had lived in Aussie now gave us Aussie dollar! Hmm, good to have but how to split?
SO, cheryl's wedding ceremony was finished very smoothly, and the next day is the wedding lunch.
Somehow i was glad is lunch time rather than dinner because I can finally rest after the lunch.
The most challenging part for me is to marching with a stranger in the lunch section, wth!
I dont know why Cheryl come out with such idea, but is her wedding , and for the sake of being her besties, i have to give in this as well.
The marching was kinda embrassing for me, and i realized i walked too fast and the guy partner up with me kept telling me to slow down and he was so slow that i have to kinda pull him.
I also dislike the feeling that we have to walked arm in arm, but the guy just left his arm down, looks like i was the one so desiring to arm his arm.
Thank god is all over, the wedding, the gate crashing, the photo session, the lunch and everything.
Time to rest!!
Lol, seems like i was like complaining so much about the wedding, in fact, i am glad with Cheryl's decision.
I really hope this short developed relationship can last long and move to a further chapter for Cheryl. All the best.