Is April FOOD.....I have to mention 3 times because it is very important lol
I had been posting my food hunting during work, but I actually also hunt a lot during personal matter with frens or with family.
Of cause I had posted lots of my gathering event, however here are some of the left out food that I had and would like to share out.
first, this cute bun is from Olive bakery. With chocolate filling, quite nice.
Then, this Hokaido cake is bought from RT pastry bakery. To be honest, I think it is quite expensive and not really with any fancy taste that need to boast about.
6 cakes in 1 box cost almost RM12....super expensive.
This series of photo was taken in Blackstone cafe, opened by my high school mate who very closed with Bean.
I quite enjoy the ambient and atmosphere inside, but I wouldnt go for the second time.
Their cake dint look fancy either though the boss actually learnt baking in Taiwan.
The food is just so so, and not many variety, that's the reason I wouldnt go for the second time.
Then, this Teochew dessert really captured my eyes!
I had this with my family in a local restaurant, is my first time had this traditional dessert but it is really yummy!
I love the stickiness and how the sweet glutineous rice match with the smooth yummy taro =D
Bean really love vegetarian, so sometimes I was "forced" to have this kind of meal with her.
You are right, I really dislike vegetarian meal, i dont like fake food (no offense to the vegetarian ya), is just totally personal feeling.
But I dont mind going for vegetarian, because I will order real vege~ lol
What's a "vegetarian" ABC looks like? Is just normal ABC~
And i also have this mango springroll which was quite pricy and not really good =S
Another healthy organic vegetarian meal.....vegan bah kut teh....hmmmm
This was another dining with bean at her cafe, nah.....just because the cafe named Bean Thief, lol
I dint capture my meal, not a very fancy or outstanding one I guess.
Here it come! My first escargot!
Mum was totally freak out, but I enjoyed it hehehe. But I think it was overcooked, guess hard to cook them.
I so wish I could try the greater escargot in France.
I had this croissant sandwich at comic coffee at my neighbourhood.
Surprisingly quite good, the croissant was crispy~
Then, this was the meal I encountered tonight at 1986 cafe.
The meal is actually not very good, is just normal meal. Moreover, the cafe is really noisy after 9pm =S
Oh well, that's all for now~