It had been a long time since I last met Shin Faang, I think that was 6 years ago?!
She was my Uni Junior, but honestly what she did really impressed me.
Personally, I like her character, being a free spirit who do things she like without consider much of the effects.
I am not saying she is irresponsible though, please dont get me wrong.
I actually wish to be like her, chasing her dream, and dare to dream big!
We have a reunion at Antipodean cafe in Mid Valley mall today, of cause I took the train again, but I think I would rather drive next time because I find out I really cant stand waiting for the train ==
Although I really enjoyed relax and read a book on the train, but because of the not frequent schedule of the train, I was late for the brunch.
Huey yee and Shin Faang were very sweet, they helped me to order the big breakfast first and I got my meal instantly upon my arrival after long starving on the train and long wait at station for transit.
Antipodean's big breakfast consist of their home made hash brown, grilled mushroom, grilled ham, scrambled egg and toast.
I guess because I was pretty late and they placed the order slightly earlier than they thought, my breakfast was actually cold.
To me, Big breakfast is easy to be prepared but not easy to outstand, because it is somehow an ordinary meal.
I have no comment for Antipodean breakfast because I did not eat it under the right condition, but I did order a hot chocolate right after my arrival.
Well, hot chocolate is pretty normal, sweet and ordinary.
Not too soon, we sat for a whee while, and decided to make a move to another great spot to continue our conversation because people start aiming our table.
We chose Madame Waffle at the top floor simply because it was quite empty =P
I always wanna try out their green tea waffle, but I was too full from my big breakfast, so I decided to just order a green tea ice drink.
We talked so much today, maybe also because I havent seen Shin Faang for so long, so there are many things to catch up.
Our conversation also crossed over so many different topics, from travel, to career, to beauty info, to sport, to movie, to the old days and memories....
I actually was not very close with Shin Faang, but I expected we can share a lot of topics because she is really an outgoing and bubbly lady. =)
Too bad we are all having something tonight, otherwise we may chat until dinner, and supper.
Let's meet up more frequently then =D